The Diverse Democracy and Higher Education Project
Higher Education Governance: Through an Equity Lens
The Big Question: How can higher education governance structures (i.e., Boards of Trustees) best respond to changing student demographics while balancing other internal and external demands?
Why this initiative?: The governance structures of higher education are still largely dominated by men and white people. Unsurprisingly, much of the research about governance lacks a critical lens and as a result "diversity and inclusion" efforts become the responsibility of other campus stakeholders. Our efforts in this area bring a fresh and critical perspective to the research and practice of governance in hopes that an equity lens translates to institutional change that supports a range of student needs and concerns.
What's new?: We are approaching this initiative through a multi-pronged strategy that includes:
Editorials targeted at members of Boards of Trustees
Applying critical frameworks to empirical investigations of goverance structures
Facilitating intentional dialogue between researchers and governance bodies for training and development purposes

What's the goal?: Governance structures that are equity focused are more likely to craft and implement policies and environments that foster success for all students. Our goal is to produce research-informed resources that empower and hold accountable the people and procedures that are so consequential to the experiences of students.